The official F-word for Geoff Rowley is fatherhood. His best man Rex sits on the flannel-covered strong arm of his father. The statement, Geoff co-founder Flip Skateboards, makes with his son is focused on the family. Along the crowded backdrop of people there’s some who do not have a father. There’s a couple of verses in Psalms 68 that fire truth in love like a nifty revolver. “God is in his holy temple. He is a father to children whose fathers have died. He takes care of women whose husbands have died. God gives lonely people a family. He sets prisoners free, and they go out singing. But those who refuse to obey him live in a land that is baked by the sun.”
Flip unbelief into faith. Our heavenly Father will never leave us nor forsake us. He loved all of us in the world so much that he gave his only Son so that all of us wouldn’t perish, but have eternal life. Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save us with his free gift. Our belief in Jesus is like a flip trick. The greatest miracle of love ever conceived, perfectly landed every time, no matter how many times the darkness flips our lid. We are now positioned in the kingdom of his beloved Son. Made righteous. Gnarly garment of salvation.