Best Western
The Best Western holds double occupancy underneath the shelter’s lantern. The display case for ads display two movies a la carte and the reflection mixes in another deal for sausage and egg biscuits. Search for patterns, behaviors become preferences. The shape, texture and placement of Citizen Same is the aim of market research. Data pains across the board. When does the relief come, Lord? The fast food installation will be there long after these strangers out front pass on. Doing nothing is devastation for our job is to stand up for the powerless. Living sacrifices don’t live in the commonplace. Make less carelessness in vain currency.
The person of interests don’t age well. The posters put those who look its way under a spell. After awhile both are thrown out to complete the parallel. Most who live here seem to be okay with the result: buy a ticket to escape rather than to problem solve. The one who holds fire and ice also sees the absolved ones put on clothes of worship no longer exposed to their sin—the first and the last, is Jesus. The Rock of ages where commoners will be enabled to dwell because his blood has cured our plague and given us gold crowns.