A mysterious traveler named Flor appears in a field of California wildflowers overlooking the land immortalized by Steinbeck’s ‘Grapes of Wrath’. As she walks, generations of migrants – from the Dust Bowl to the present day – appear beside her. Their worlds and their voices collide.
What happens when families from contemporary Mexico and 1930s Oklahoma speak, laugh, and work in the fields together? A story as unpredictable as a field of wildflowers, and as filled with color and life.
This production and the Cornerstone Institute Summer Residency are made possible by generous support from: The Ahmanson Foundation, ArtPlace, Biller Family Foundation, the California Community Foundation, the Columbia Foundation, The CrossCurrents Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Ford Foundation, the Fox Foundation, the Hearst Foundations, the James Irvine Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, the LIA Fund, the Edith Meiser Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Rosenthal Foundation, the Shubert Foundation, Union Bank, US BAnk, Weingart Foundation, Wells Fargo, and generous donations from numerous individuals.
Cornerstone is a member of the Theatre Communications Group, the national service organization for the American Theater.