Rooted in the fertile landscape of Salinas, Plumas Negras tells the story of three generations of hard-working women as they struggle to forge better lives and stronger bonds. When is it time to pull closer, and when is it time to let fly? From the lettuce fields of 1963 to the stores and streets of today’s Alisal, come celebrate the triumphs and tears of these remarkable women.
Plumas Negras and the Cornerstone Institute Summer Residency are made possible by generous support from: The Annenberg Foundation, Attune Foods, The Sheri & Les Biller Family Foundation, The CAA Foundation, The California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, Margaret Leong Checca, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The Doris Duke Charitable Fund, The Fox Foundation Fellowship, The Goldhirsh Foundation, The W.R. Hearst Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, The LIA Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The MetLife Foundation, Network of Ensemble Theaters, John Neustadter, The Open Society Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, The Princess Grace Foundation, The Rosenthal Foundation, The Shuburt Foundation, Theatre Communications Group, Union Bank, US Bank, Wilber-Ellis Company and generous donations from numerous individuals.
Cornerstone is a member of Theatre Communications Group, the national service organization for the American Theater.