
May 11 2018

The backlit poster out front of the barred white window dormitory did not respond to the acrimonious spit of the elderly man. Be heard behind closed doors. He barked a tirade sideways toward the man who sees eye to eye. Again there was no response so he took his red four-legged friend farther into the concrete forest down Vermont. The standoff did not free the soul held hostage. Security is put on in multiple layers as each block is populated with the new class. Academic conquest will add brick layers to form impenetrable walls. Above the poverty line on loans.

Below the ten. A hanger without housing. At this hour the sprinklers are set to pop out from pressure to perform the way they’re told. They give the asparagus ferns a dousing while the run off makes sidewalk springs. The mists sing to keep the vegetation varieties crisp in the morning when the grill is fired up. The scenery is at a standstill because the demand is high. The elderly man turns his back. Deep shadow lashes cut deep as hardship. No lip. The brown leather bomber jacket is underneath the hangar backlit. Salty small fries.