Block Chains

Dec 29 2018

Going east to west on Wilshire Boulevard traffic lights in full view hang green over the street like block chains. Be on the lookout. Someone is looking to snatch it up no matter who you are. Gang spit lit. It’s in the database along with everybody else. It’s happening, but to what extent? The only prevention is ascension. A digital signature in front of the corporate marketplace after midnight a corridor of closed doors. What is out of reach? Black suited security guards left their post to hand off a bag of groceries for Citizen Same with a white cane tucked under his armpit.

Rich right quick from a record of analog kindness. Citizen Same raps out a song playing on a hand-held radio leaking into the desolate streets at 48 degrees, “Put it on me, Oh yeah.” Could be out of touch. On the blockchain, blind lead the blind and could give into this drop off under market value. Refrain from dependencies on princes who give instant invincibility with a revenue stream. Some pledge their allegiance to a ledger. Sheets incomplete. Life in public. Nothing much is cryptic anymore within the stored database. Extract the information now. No more wearing a wire. Thirty-second notes hit high hats and make frauds perspire with an expiration date under God.