The Avenues

Feb 15 2019
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Time to follow directions while winding through the Avenues. Drenched and drained the waste for us to become anew like you. Drive toward the truth anew. Nothing to hide. Dark and light are the same to you. In these quiet findings is the proof. No one else is around to see the uncounted lanes from which my soul has been recovered from the wreck, recklessness set to crush a treasured chest. The rush and reach of your peace fills the hollow to continue in you through it all.


The 105 Drip

Feb 07 2019
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The 105 drip into an h20 inch. Make cars infinitely spin on the black mirror drip. Hyrdoplane on the trip. A miracle from just one hit. Flow at night no traffic.



Jan 28 2019
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Chat bubbles proliferate through tunnels, funnels and wirelessly through walls. Thinking, waiting makes some apprehensive. Uncomfortable living conditions in these rents, in these tents has forcibly bent brains with little to no regard to the one who was sent. Yet, belief is becoming built on silence before information wearing touchy glasses. Other images burn our retinas and engrave falsehood to obliterate the connection with the one who can save us from the rubble in a snap. Do not tamper with his work. Greater sensitivity is needed for the light of his righteousness. Following through the markings appear different in the […]


Room Service

Jan 20 2019
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One way, along the s-curve underneath the Harbor Freeway harbors the homeless tents pitched in front of a mural of light. Masses overpass the ritz and underpass the pits. Politicians disavow their existence while accumulating allowances to spend around town. At this angle, there’s room for a view on what to do. Some sweep brooms, some bring food and a very few pray for one another against the impending doom. The stitching of these spaces will wear out, suddenly tear. The staggered glass is gleaming blue, almost seamless. At this rate, salt water pool, beaming white towels folded to perfection, […]


Oil Spill

Dec 25 2018
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Gasoline streets will be deceased by way of electrocution. Slicks are recreated with the electric light blasted on the wet wooden partition: post no bills. Otherworldly oil spill. Recharge batteries compulsively like chemical chains in brain sensory. Jewels of the new century. Some stay asleep in front of a screen. Entranced by glowing information growing into a giant yet staying put. The electromagnetic pulse blinds the structures and the black out knocks out many. It’s just too much. Where are all the fuels going to lead us too? Baby, it’s cold outside is on the radio. Remember the baby, but […]



Dec 23 2018
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98 percent wiped out by churning surges of salt water and wind on heavy rotation, thrown up. Months later, an understated breeze whisks white sand over a two-lane highway like ripples formed on the ocean bed. Do not walk around barefoot. It’s the first grouping of beach houses set on stilts after the alleyway of coastal pines create a vast buffer between Tyndall and Mexico Beach. At dusk, the sky is lightly airbrushed pink, purple and blue. Didn’t think this would ever happen as main cabins are leaning into one another with exposed wounds: dark views into broken windows, exposed […]



Dec 22 2018
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Michael’s air force snapped the sand pine trees surrounding Tyndall like twigs made for kindling. A gauntlet of deforestation hit at the right angle on a numerically devastated landscape. Fist fights changing directions. Blows, wind knocked out of storehouse. Sandy soils hold trunks in place as the tree counts have dwindled. See it repeat on scenic 98 at the fifty-five speed limit. Wind speeds exceeding tropical trade winds with green violence reverting old growth into nurseries. It will take super funds to properly deal with the destruction upon most structures from hangars to homes even though waterproofing measures were used […]