
Sep 09 2018

Class is in session at night school. On Hoover, the pure light above could remove touchy subjects like a vacuum into eternity, but curiosity pulls focus on a school night. The lit classroom is both public and private for all to see depending on if you’re pay attention to the signs or streets. A great cost in the budget in our defense as the advocate defends the cause of the poor and needy without a tomahawk or treaty. Simple teachings like working all things together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Don’t be too nervous to raise your hand to speak in front of all classes. After class the realization is we’re like Citizen Same. There’s no divisions in him so all went well.

In just a little while, when he stands up on streaming clouds it will not take a super-recognizer to spot the Rider. Ride or die with the Skylord who will break the internet once and for all with a viral appearance. No more all day, all night interference in the presence of The Word of God. The pride of the enemies will be spiraling downward to the pit by the swift jabs from the champion boxer. Across the back of the blood soaked robe not brand specific, reads King of kings and Lord of lords. His speed is blinding like his blazing eyes while razing the landlords below while one radiation conquers another. The dazzling bride will follow as the Rider goes before trampling every last foe. Swarming vultures will feast upon the roasts emptied of currency boasts after the sharp sword finishes all the rest from the authority of the Rider sitting on the horse. Class is dismissed.