
Jun 25 2019

A light unto my path. Crossing lines where it’s dark and rough. Live here long enough to realize it’s tough. The locusts have eaten too much. Do the math. On the shoulder thoughts keep checking the same folders as the stubble could ignite an inferno. Douse the darkness with the floodlight. The writing on the walls is covered up just as it is in the town hall. Written words are measured like tides, mountain peaks fall into surging seas. Abide in me, and I in you.

The truth appeared what does he hide as the headlight? Here lies the ultimate ride along the path of the living word. Reread is priority. Eternity takes seniority. Even at forty, slowing down with the pure lines guiding the amplified signs of healing as if you’re fifteen. Within the frame common men will be astonished when the command b, the truth with boldness is spoken in love. The dead will rise by the no other name given among men by which we must be saved. This power lives off the grid above.