Best Western

Feb 18 2019
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The Best Western holds double occupancy underneath the shelter’s lantern. The display case for ads display two movies a la carte and the reflection mixes in another deal for sausage and egg biscuits. Search for patterns, behaviors become preferences. The shape, texture and placement of Citizen Same is the aim of market research. Data pains across the board. When does the relief come, Lord? The fast food installation will be there long after these strangers out front pass on. Doing nothing is devastation for our job is to stand up for the powerless. Living sacrifices don’t live in the commonplace. […]



Feb 09 2019
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The glass case is set to screen poster composites and illuminates the black umbrella hiding Citizen Same under the cover of night. You can touch both on the streets, but only one will move. A loner will less likely grow with the body toner in the mess hall at the midnight mission. When there is no deposit it dies. Frosted windows keep onlookers from peering into the payments of living. The cost of living is frigidly forgetful and losing feelings for the less fortunate. Losing limbs both arms and legs and organ donations. Fortunes keep moving offshore by the boatload […]


Shower Curtain

Jan 21 2019
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The shower curtain is closed for privacy on Hollywood and Vermont along the makeshift wire drooping from the metal cross beam. A foot of rain fell on the city in need of a good scrub. Trees, tropical plants and shrubs feed off of the precipitation. They need attention and care in their season before they fade like the legacy of luxury. The clear plastic tarp protects the soaked sleeping bag with overlap, red and blue. Light on plaid and blankets soften the setting at an angle inside the shelter. Citizen Same like a poster is here on visitation. The rotation […]


Up Hill

Jan 17 2019
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Grand architecture has proudly housed high brows and not remembered the lowly in a sagging purple sleeping bag. Citizen Same rests in an upright position regardless if anyone will listen. Light edges objects in the darkness. One of the quietest streets downtown up hill. Staying still to not go down hill. Cold air creeps inside, controlling the chills. While those inside the gleaming windows of the metropolis do what their told. Hardhats build huge developments. Raised concrete made into flats’ fees above the rats. They’re turned into hot pads by interior designers with iPads. Growth in total control, but does […]



Jan 16 2019
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Little thermodynamics off Venice during the wee hours of the night while the Thermo King restocks modern convenience. Headlights are the back action to the seasonable months preceding the endless summer. A hot spot to connect with the blind. True reign enables us to see when it rains here. Billboards pretend to care by sharing their best face. Like vagrancy it’s the last you’ll see of them. Dollars will replace the filling in the pies. Deceptions taunt the elect who reflect the light. Cruel bars keep people divided like tonight, one-sided.


Rain Delay

Jan 11 2019
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Upper deck blankets and lower deck blankets folded over Citizen Same to keep hidden from the cold while seated at a bench outfront. A male figure or a female figure on an even playing field. The one in the morning streets are an empty stadium off Museum Row during the rain delay. Few have anything to say to Citizen Same for being caught napping. Out of all the pitches for flicks, new digs and taxes there are those homeless who will not be written into the budget because they’re at the bottom of the order. Reflect on the seasons in […]


Block Chains

Dec 29 2018
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Going east to west on Wilshire Boulevard traffic lights in full view hang green over the street like block chains. Be on the lookout. Someone is looking to snatch it up no matter who you are. Gang spit lit. It’s in the database along with everybody else. It’s happening, but to what extent? The only prevention is ascension. A digital signature in front of the corporate marketplace after midnight a corridor of closed doors. What is out of reach? Black suited security guards left their post to hand off a bag of groceries for Citizen Same with a white cane […]



Dec 17 2018
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The call sheet says fifty-five degrees and partially cloudy. Without the sun, Citizen Same is set to twitch without prime viewership, head sunken down. A single rectangular light provides protection for the unknown subject on this spot way below the spotlight at the top. Both are intimately known by God without spy techniques, dragonfly. The moon shows up above scanning city shadows of planetary orbits. Inside it’s the view of beautiful reflection away from haunting detections inside the pad. Ages in time will leave their fads stored in containers to reconvene with the rock who intervened in our infinite sadnesses. […]



Dec 10 2018
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The pie placement is often filled with another adjacent replacement. The effects are wearing down because they’re overran on all platforms. Posters are popped in like pills. Emotions experience erosion from the content affecting our souls.  According to the designers they’ll be a thrill because they’re hand delivered. Just a sliver will eat alive freedom and will. Will the displacement of Citizen Same become trivial as viewership chooses media trivia as the only way to live or be killed off. Everyone can see the take away plate on the night stand, public storage. A single helping wrapped in foil to […]



Dec 02 2018
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All night shelter as Citizen Same shelters a grey animal, alive and/or stuffed a half hour before thanksgiving. There’s a record surplus of bold characters just like him living outside the tyranny of technology. Not everyone is on it. A rain soaked field. For the record, there’s an unyielding shield of love for the grungy man who is posted on the silver nipple like a broken record of scratched proclamations. Accusations of the fix needle the duty to pet and protect. As the orange and blue caterpillar buses pass by and slow near the pickup point, the doors stay closed […]