
Jun 23 2018
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The eye catches a shimmering blue wave up all night on Burton Way. It’s not glimmering luxury soon to pass away like a funeral. It awakes and than crashes over and over. The burial of all renowned things will be celebrated by people who remain until the end. The bridegroom will sweep us off our feet with the broom inside the shopping cart. Love is chilled as ice adorn necks with the cause of Christ. Love melts all things when I in you through and through. The thrilling crackle and pop reverberate throughout the hills as young stallions depress the […]


White Flag

Jun 18 2018
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The heavyweight bus stops here while crushing everything in it’s predicted path. Parts unknown do not look the same on a map. At this hour there’s no service on Sunset. People prowl around outside in singles and groups in pursuit of something with their inside voices. Night owls know who’s who. The outside looks in at a harsh scene steering not much beyond the course 101N. The insides look out veering away from the stark contrast. Gated communities keep their hot pads secured with black pickets. It’s not long before this space will be sold too. The white blanket is […]



Jun 13 2018
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The shell is a puffy jacket. If you’re a true fan we’ll be able to tell. LA is the cap transplants misspell. The operation didn’t go well in the destination city. Wide awake from stadium sounds; not asleep. Filled up on high octane. The spark ignites the flow from inside the cage. Octagon. Fighting combos against chemical bonds. Battles go on cement till the paddles are applied to jolt the jewels back to life. The background is so lit from the volts, weaponized lightning bolts go before the lost and found. Abide, no longer run and hideout. An itty bitty […]



Jun 08 2018
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Citizen Same has made their bed inside the shelter. A sleep number on the side. A preferred position with a faux fur cover. No service interruption while the battery is charged. In and out. Lovingkindness goes through iClouds as ultraviolet rays. Be quiet during the riot. Check your inbox for security, the Message has been sent. The King has been installed with no data caps. The proud are humbled by the rumbling tumble. Love does no harm to its neighbor. It’s not a charm to be used to take away gifts. Not under the influence of strange strains of brands […]


Person of Interests

Jun 01 2018
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Like advertisements hobos come and go. Very few are remembered. Accurate placements are here and there because of their needs. Stay out of the hole. Out front of the passing world looks messy. A waiting game on Airport Boulevard ensues for who will deliver what they promised. A constant state of arrivals and departures. Switch out one for the other. Renew our faces. Until it’s time to go, a tidy order keeps everything in its place. Citizen Same sits slumped forward with his legs crossed. His hands symmetrically stuffed into his sweatshirt pockets providing insulation. No financial backer supports this […]



May 25 2018
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Man of sorrows. Sound asleep as construction workers paint over old traffic patterns. Bright white. High visibility on reflective surfaces. There’s no facial detection for the low esteemed. What’s your name? Citizen Same. Like pug fur folds, his blanket covers his body like a prophet. Stop begging behavior by forcing Citizen Same to hand-craft cardboard messages. Without a trace he will find another temporary place to stay out front of commercial enterprises. Risky business for the farmer and trader. Transient people become space invaders. They mutate into alien life forms without a way to pay with plastic and glass payment […]



May 22 2018
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Out front along a stretch of Venice Boulevard, Citizen Same has made their bed at a bus stop bench in Los Angeles. The sleeping bag is curled up like a child outside the high rent world. Each city brags who pays more. Dismissed as homelessness, but they’re missed. Where have you been? Few acknowledge the public spectacle like thine outstretched arms. ’Twas grace that saved a wretch like me. Perpetual love eliminates the space between us. Say it again. Dew collects on tender greens for nourishment throughout every season. “I will publish the name of the Lord and ascribe greatness […]


Fountain Drink

May 20 2018
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A cocoon of clothing covers the man in temperatures soon to decrease into navy blue. Throw blankets are fleecing the stationary on a roller coaster. Parked out front after dark. Everyone can see a celebrity, but anyone else could be trouble. Look the other way. The unimportant ones have lower opacity. Utter invisibility. The rich are ridden with plain sight while the powerless are hidden in Christ. Hour by hour writers build scripted devices as sticky glue to slice off thin layers of identity. Bluish light dulls fixed eyes multiplied by millions like particles adhering to the award. Gilding the […]



May 13 2018
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Displacement moves through the city like aircraft carrier waves. In the bubble, thousands resort to swell and spread out along the sideline wake. Push and shove. Contemporary bus shelters are one night stands wherever and for whosoever. Heavy accordion buses caterpillar down the asphalt to make chewing gum. Many cars of all shapes, sizes and colors travel south of Hollywood lit by the signals. They displace air masses as they loudly rush by. Close the door. Some on losing streaks. Some on winning streaks. Glaring light streaks spill everywhere into the savage night as those with the advantage floor plans […]



May 11 2018
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The backlit poster out front of the barred white window dormitory did not respond to the acrimonious spit of the elderly man. Be heard behind closed doors. He barked a tirade sideways toward the man who sees eye to eye. Again there was no response so he took his red four-legged friend farther into the concrete forest down Vermont. The standoff did not free the soul held hostage. Security is put on in multiple layers as each block is populated with the new class. Academic conquest will add brick layers to form impenetrable walls. Above the poverty line on loans. […]