
May 13 2018

Displacement moves through the city like aircraft carrier waves. In the bubble, thousands resort to swell and spread out along the sideline wake. Push and shove. Contemporary bus shelters are one night stands wherever and for whosoever. Heavy accordion buses caterpillar down the asphalt to make chewing gum. Many cars of all shapes, sizes and colors travel south of Hollywood lit by the signals. They displace air masses as they loudly rush by. Close the door. Some on losing streaks. Some on winning streaks. Glaring light streaks spill everywhere into the savage night as those with the advantage floor plans turn over for a good nights sleep.

Go faster if you cannot keep up. Jons. One after another. Burnout. Skirt-less palm trees. Out front of the green modern fence. One thing after another fills up the honey comb Vons shopping cart with useful collections. Thread counts in our closets around 400 plus. Roll up the window. The big and soft alternative down comforter is a turnover for our flesh like dough. Dough gets old. The unsealed opening allows the craft exhaust swarm in with highly acidic flavor notes. Not as blissful as the Apple of our eyes. Freebasing for the masses. One large neon green gym shoe. Push up my vintage black rimmed glasses. Our belonging has been misplaced. Tear it all down into rubble until we become the beloved. While it is beating and while it is rapping open the door plan. He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” The best defense.