Select Seats

Jun 25 2015

Inside the auditorium of city hall Ms. King and Mike Donelon stepped down the theater tiers from ground level. They are fitted together in select seats along one purple row. Squiggly lines animate the arm rest and cinema cushions. A single concrete band wraps around the perimeter into the corner of the frame. The sloping black railing is not just for hand support, but coping for knees, shoulders and elbows. Challenge the way we view things. Avocado green drapes ripen the dramatic lighting. Ms. King clutches a Fedex Office box over stuffed with the paper weight of more than a thousand signatures; go Green. The “Petition Push” has been completed. What will the city officials decide?

Mike Donelon holds his bifocals as he patiently awaits the skate park agenda to be addressed by the corral of city council members. Take a closer look. There are those who are for and those who are against. If God is for us who can be against us? His light governs the day and night. The vote could be split or unanimous. Nobody should sit on their hands. All spoken words appear on an electronic display board as meeting minutes. Neon green circles create letters, words and sentences. They are ever scrolling in seconds then disappearing. There’s no limitation to their combination. Did that just happen? Recessed lights shine in his sunglass lens like a cluster of brilliant stars.