
May 25 2018

Man of sorrows. Sound asleep as construction workers paint over old traffic patterns. Bright white. High visibility on reflective surfaces. There’s no facial detection for the low esteemed. What’s your name? Citizen Same. Like pug fur folds, his blanket covers his body like a prophet. Stop begging behavior by forcing Citizen Same to hand-craft cardboard messages. Without a trace he will find another temporary place to stay out front of commercial enterprises. Risky business for the farmer and trader. Transient people become space invaders. They mutate into alien life forms without a way to pay with plastic and glass payment systems. Alienated from customer service along the sidelines.

The Lord has already chosen sides. He’s holy, not perverted with mac and cheese. Traffic jams for candied yams. Rushing thrills silence the soul as hush puppies fried in phones. Let someone else pick up our mess. It’s foreign to love Citizen Same as one of your own. Address the treatment of Citizen Same with good posture. Stand up for the alien who resides nearby. And the home of the brave should look outside the stadium to the one who so loved and gave his only son. The bloody rams won’t save, but the one who was a ransom for many. And is King. He is to come as the shofar settles the world to a complete stop. High visibility on the King of glory. Everybody, everywhere will genuflect in awe. He does what he says because the covering surpasses puppy love.