Up Hill
Grand architecture has proudly housed high brows and not remembered the lowly in a sagging purple sleeping bag. Citizen Same rests in an upright position regardless if anyone will listen. Light edges objects in the darkness. One of the quietest streets downtown up hill. Staying still to not go down hill. Cold air creeps inside, controlling the chills. While those inside the gleaming windows of the metropolis do what their told. Hardhats build huge developments. Raised concrete made into flats’ fees above the rats.
They’re turned into hot pads by interior designers with iPads. Growth in total control, but does it stunt the growth of both the high and low? Time is running out for the greatest showmen who will be present at the appointment with the man of sorrows who will keep his oath of forgiveness. Precious sight and acceptance from the living stone who has not left us alone. The highest point in the grand architecture who was saturated with our sin to bring us beloved before the father whose holiness is in stark contrast to our reeking and reaping trash.